Oct 29, 2008


Has anyone got any idea of maturity?
Is maturity all bout positive thinking?
Is maturity all about standing on your own feet?
Is maturity about being well-dressed and acting smart?
Is maturity something you can pretend to be?
Or just somethings people born with?
Does people who are mature leads a boring life?
Or they HAVE their own way of a happy life?
Those who started working, are they mature?
Or they are just hiding behind their masks?

Well, in this world, there's much to learn..
but, live life to the fullest...Work Hard, Play Hard...

Oct 21, 2008


It's been a month since i started class... and laziness has already hit me.. argh!!!.-_-"
Anyways, today is the last time i restart my life in blogging... Deleting pasts, and start fresh...
Hopefully this time, I'll be able to reduce posting negative thoughts, and start posting happy thoughts... The past few months been through a hell of a ride in the roller-coaster of life, but i got through it... and I moved on...

I got into a new relationship recently..
Many negatives reviews since the beginning, but we're able to get through it.. right? No point blaming them, as long as it won't affect either of us, I'm pleased..... I'm glad that I'm able to share everything with her, and I mean everything.. even my darkest secrets.. that really haunts me every night..

From an honest heart, I apologize to my friends, whom I once created a heck of a disaster upon our friendship, and no matter how much I regretted it, it's useless for now, but i just want y'all to know, throughout my entire life, y'all made a big impact towards my life. And I thank y'all for it...